Hotel Price Comparison search engine featuring over 2 million hotel deals.The Hotel Price Scanner is the worlds leading hotel price comparison search
Hotel Price Comparison search engine featuring over 2 million hotel deals.
The Hotel Price Scanner is the world's leading hotel price comparison search engine. Via the simple user interface you can access the cheapest hotel deals in 200,000 hotels across 195 countries.
Our price comparison search engine queries the leading hotel booking providers returning the best available rates for your hotel of choice. Our search engines allows for numerous refinements; so you can narrow your search by rating, popularity, price range, brand, amenities, accommodation type and by distance - and best of all our service is completely free!
We are 100% independent and have no direct relationship with any hotels or booking providers. Ours is a complete service, offering not only price information, but also hotel reviews, descriptions and millions of hi-resolution images. Our search engine queries more than 200,000 hotels in thousands of destinations in approaching 200 countries worldwide.